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Teaching Assistantship (TA)

The tenure of teaching assistantship is a chance to give back to the academic community and inspire the next generation of scholars. It's learning from your students and growing as a scholar.

External TAs


Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

Jan - April Semester


Live Sessions 2023

Live Sessions 2024


Symmetry & Group Theory

Jul - Oct Semester


Live Sessions 2023

Live Sessions 2024

Departmental TAs

CH 111: Quantum Chemistry

Course Instructor : Prof. Rahul Maitra, Prof. G Naresh Patwari, Prof. Achintya Kumar Dutta, Prof. Ishita Sengupta

Intended Audience : B.Tech

Duration : Autumn 2023-24

CH 230L: Physical Chemistry Laboratory

Course Instructor : Prof. Anindya Dutta, Prof. Ishita Sengupta

Intended Audience : BS-MS

Duration : Spring 2023-24

CH 111: Quantum Chemistry

Course Instructor : Prof. Rahul Maitra, Prof. G Naresh Patwari, Prof. Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Prof. Shobhna Kapoor

Intended Audience : B.Tech

Duration : Autumn 2024-25

Instrumental TAs

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